Supporting the expansion of a Christian school
In the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa, we support the expansion of a Christian school by hiring additional teachers so the school can grow along with its students.
In the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa, we support the expansion of a Christian school by hiring additional teachers so the school can grow along with its students.
Our local leaders in the Middle East handing out children’s Bibles and coloring books depicting the life of Jesus.
Crossing a suspension bridge on the Afghan/Pakistan border, this volunteer assisted in the start of a small general store that supports ministry leaders reaching many in this highly volatile area of the world.
Conferences where we assemble our village churches in one location are a part of our Biblical training to support local leaders and their fellowships. Here in Nepal, we assembled a women’s group in a safe location due to the persecution Believers face in their country.
Remote ministry is our specialty and in places like northern Mongolia, some churches we help start can only be reached on horseback.